The Mick Cooney Show
Something unexpected happened a few weeks ago. I tried to kiss a girl, and instead of pulling a can of Mace and pressing charges, she kissed me back.
Naturally, me being me, it did not take long for my inherent ineptness to take command. Indeed, the Chameleon or the Author would be quick to point out that it was in command before we hooked up.
I will not go into further details, other than quote the Chameleon on how we got together:"Well Mick, you didn't so much have a bunch of wingmen as a complete fucking airshow!"
I should make it clear from the start that we are not a couple or anything. Yes, we are seeing each other a lot, but it is too early be thinking on those lines. We enjoy each others company, and I am willing to let things flow. I decided early on that I was going to ignore my usual habit of forcing things.
I am also aware that this article may be revealing things about her that she would rather remain private. Because of this, I am showing this to her in full before I post it, and give her full veto rights over anything in this. Thus, none of you need feel voyeuristic - she has given consent.
I honestly did the following with the first few days of hooking up with her:
- Puked violently into her toilet about thirty minutes after we kissed for the first time,
- Called her by her friend’s name while kissing her on the couch,
- Sent a text message about her that was intended for a friend to her by mistake,
- Sent her a message over MSN Messenger that looked like a psychotic rant.
“Do you like her? Do you think she likes you? What have you done together? What are you doing together? Would you like to go out with her? Is she your girlfriend? Would you like her to be your girlfriend?”With the lads, things are much simpler:
“How many points are you on now, Mick?”
Seeing a girl in
Having a girl to meet up with is very new for me. Being able to call up to her in the evening on a whim to relax and chill-out is new, different and cool. Of course, all this happens as I finish up my PhD, but I was ever the one to do things the hard way.
Most people who know me were aware of my desire for the simple intimacies. As my friends coupled up, they would curl up on the couch in front of the television, leaving me to sit there beside them feeling both voyeuristic and impoverished.
Should the above make me appear as either a big girlie-man or a needy stalker-in-the-making, I have done myself a disservice, yet I know not how else to articulate this.For quite some time now, my female friends have tried to match me. Appalling at going out on the pull, and lacking the simple skills of icebreaking, the confidence to engage a strange girl in conversation in a way that will attract her eludes me.
Their reaction was hilarious (and not just for the afore-mentioned interrogation). Most of the girls I know immediately demand to meet her. It is a mystery if this is pure curiosity or a female desire to vet the new girl.
All I do know is how touched I was by their reaction. They were like excited schoolgirls and took the first opportunity they had to tell me how much they approved of her. I was a little taken aback, since such a reaction could only mean these girls held me in high regard. It was both humbling and gratifying to learn.
The second-most stupid thing about all this is how I have changed in DIT (second-most because being so honest about a girl in a public forum, in an article which she will read before everyone else would win any competition you care to mention in the sport of What-Is-He-Thinking).
This hasn’t happened so much now. Perhaps it is my reduced state of ‘tension’, but I think not. My feelings tend to be focused and narrow, and I think it is the fact that I am seeing someone. I am still not sure if this is a Good Thing™ or a Bad Thing™ in this case.
I suppose, such answers are unknowable until things pan out over the next while.
Being single in
In many ways, I am similar to Hugh Grant’s character in About a Boy, living in my own little island, sole star of the Mick Cooney Show. Other people make guest appearances from time to time, but only one name appears during the opening credit sequence.
It may still be airing every night, but I sense a “Gee Whizz” episode coming over the near horizon.
Wow - blog spam.
Anyway - thnak you for butchering my bon mot. What I actually said was:
"Mick didn't have a wingman so much as an airshow."
Wing Commander Chameleon
"the confidence to engage a strange girl in conversation in a way that will attract her eludes me."
And yes, she is pretty strange....
Yeah, blog spam is a bit of a pain. It usually gets posted within a few minutes of the article, but I haven't been online over the weekend, so didn't get the chance to delete.
As for my mangled quote, the comment I am referring to is something you said to me directly, and I'm pretty sure it was accurate.
You said it to me going up the stairs in Dominic Street.
"And yes, she is pretty strange...."
Oh really, pretty strange in what way?
I'm not sure, but I like the air of mystery that this anonymous poster is bringing to the place.
It's not mysterious it's just bad netiquette not to have the courage of your convictions and sign a comment. Especially when aspersions are being cast.
Nah, anonymous aspersions have their place in the Grief-Giving Universe.
"It's not mysterious it's just bad netiquette not to have the courage of your convictions and sign a comment."
Oi! Scarper! It's the Netiquette Police! We've been (ever so politely) rumbled!
You're right she may be pretty strange but at least her friends can hold there own in a verbal sparring match. Unlike some of Mr. Cooney's who hide behind anonymous comments and have had their ass handed to them more than once...and by girls no less.
"Unlike some of Mr. Cooney's who hide behind anonymous comments and have had their ass handed to them more than once...and by girls no less."
Uh-huh - easy to say. Harder to verify.
There is one alleged ass-handing and that was less of an ass handing so such as one of those reflexive (and dull) "Cork is great - honest. Please don't ignore us" rants that you Leesiders so love to propel yourselves off the handle with.
Really guys - just get over the fact with the fact you're from a fairly ordinary provincial city and quit bothering the ear off the rest of us.
On a slightly different tack - in this day of sexual equality, your implication that girls aren't usually able to hold their own in verbal sparring is somewhat regressive, no?
Or perhaps, like the Dublin train, the 21st century is a little late arriving Leeside?
Liberate yourselves, beors!
The Chameleon
PS - Here's your ass. I think you dropped it.
and you lot sometimes wonder what "The confidence to engage a strange firl in converstion in a way that will attract her eludes" you.. will you just look at the last ten comments on this page..
And might i add Mr Narrator, the vetting is still ongoing, by no means has it been completed. And you should take this as a compliment of how high us girl regard you..
the Pornstar
Isn't there an unspoken rule that while we all know it's going on you're not supposed to admit to the vetting within her vicinity so everyone can feign ignorance and I would have to say that her commenting 3 times on this particular entry would without question be considered "vicinity" for all intents and purposes in relation to the unspoken rule. That's some way to make a girl feel welcome...
And in the dry patch of all dry patches there springs a well.
Maybe you won't be single in 3 years time and "Gimpy and Gumpy" won't get the night out forecasted.
It's better than that.
She also happens to be hot!
Firtile patches of female companionship are only there to break the monotony of the continuous barren land which some of us wonder. The facinating thing about the fertile lands though is that they never appear when you look for them. You have to kinda look sideways and hope that you can jump them beofre they disappear.
I am impressed though that MC managed to look sideways out of a toilet bowl and still managed to woo a lady. Either he is in fact a God amongst us mere men, or, he ate a particualrly colourful and endearing concoction of food that night.
Well, I do not like being immodest, but yes, I am "Something of a Legend" as those of you on MSN Messenger know.
"or, he ate a particualrly colourful and endearing concoction of food that night."
Actually it was totally sympathy after he foolishly tried to go one for one with me and downed some vodka to catch up ;-)
It was of course foolish of him to try and a waste of perfectly good vodka too!!!
That's nothing. One of these days I'll get around to posting my "Things Not to Do Within 72 Hours of Hooking Up with a Girl".
And she can talk about sympathy all she likes, but I think we all know that she fancied the shit out of me. So much so, in fact, that not even a brief spell of Porcelain Bus Driving put a dent it.
As for the foolish drinking, that was TOTALLY her fault. She was weaving her womanly wiles on me.
It's her fault, eh?
That's not what the black box recovered from the scene says:
Mick's Brain: "Must prove manliness to wo-man. I know - I'll down half a bottle of vodka, despite the fact you could collect all the alcohol I've consumed in the past year in a particularly leaky thimble."
Mick's Brain: "Hey never said you had an identical twin sister and, by the way, how much are you paying for this apartment-sized centrifuge...uh-oh."
Recording ends. (mercifully)
The Chameleon
I wasn't trying to prove my manliness, I was giving her grief and filling up on Dutch courage, and it totally worked.
I don't have your constant and strange urge to prove my masculinity at every opportunity.
Hey, you think this is because I don't make public announcements along the lines of "I have nothing in my trousers"?
"One of these days I'll get around to posting my "Things Not to Do Within 72 Hours of Hooking Up with a Girl"."
And one of these days you'll remember what you've already posted.
"I honestly did the following with the first few days of hooking up with her:
Puked violently into her toilet about thirty minutes after we kissed for the first time,
Called her by her friend’s name while kissing her on the couch,
Sent a text message about her that was intended for a friend to her by mistake,
Sent her a message over MSN Messenger that looked like a psychotic rant."
"So much so, in fact, that not even a brief spell of Porcelain Bus Driving put a dent it."
Actually I'd have thrown you out at that point if you could have stood...or even remember your name, never mind mine!
Curse that sympathic streak it gets me in trouble every time :-)
"I wasn't trying to prove my manliness, I was giving her grief and filling up on Dutch courage, and it totally worked.
I'll give you the Dutch courage that's a fair point (obviously the airshow wasn't enough). Of course it also implies that you wanted to drink which puts pay to it being my fault. And before you come back with the "but I wouldn't have drank such STUPID amounts" argument YOU were the one bragging about how you (a novice) were going to drink me (a devoted worshipper at the alter of Smirnoff for the last 8 years) under the table (sounds like testosterone driven behaviour to me).You made the challenge, I accepted and set the terms and conditions, after all pride was at stake here and I was a good 7 drinks ahead some catch up had to be made!
And while writing this comment it occurs to me that a) I was already really drunk and b) you were trying to get me more drunk so I would be helpless to resist. Looks to be like you were the one putting in all the cunning and maipulative forethought. So if I hear the phrase "She was weaving her womanly wiles on me." once more I'm going to smack you!
"(snip lots of hormonal female ranting) ...I'm going to smack you!" If we are gonna start THAT kind of talk, shouldn't we switch to Messenger for some privacy?
While I couldn't resist the cheap shot (cos let's face it, who could?), I should probably address your points, as otherwise I'll get the whole "blah blah, didn't address the issue, blah blah" thing.
I didn't want to drink that night. If you recall, I didn't take a drink until arrived and started making me having a drink using arguments like "You have to drink cos you asked me to join us" and so on.
Thus, it is your fault I drank in the first place.
As for the drinking competition, I seem to recall you calling me a lightweight or something, so I felt the need to prove you wrong. And yes, you were drinking and were ahead and were continuously complaining about it, so I down a few to catch up.
Incidentally, the thoughts of doing that are making me nauseous, all of three weeks later! What a horrific drink it is you worship...
As for the last part, yes you were already drunk, but I do remember you making a comment along the lines of "Of course men try to pull drunk women, why do you think we get drunk in the first place?"
"a devoted worshipper at the alter of Smirnoff for the last 8 years" Aren't you selling yourself a little short?
Why, how would you sell her to get your two monies?
Don't ever write another post.
This comment's page is better then anything you ever wrote. We get all sides of the story, rather then the mick cooney "I am going to deflect all attention away from my own short comings by slagging someone else off" version.
Well, I’d start by saying how great she is “she is great.” I’d follow that up by saying “she has been a devoted worshiper at the alter of Smirnoff for at least 13 years”. I’d end it by saying “give me 2 monies” in the hopes that you don’t realise that I’m not actually selling her to you while looking for the 2 monies.
Thanks for pointing that out, cos I was actually about to hand over the two monies and get me a Flaming Redhead.
Now that you have pointed out your cunning Chief Antagonist trick, I'm so not falling for it.
"I am going to deflect all attention away from my own short comings by slagging someone else off"
Wrong, wrong, wrong!!!
The way I deal with my shortcomings is to highlight them here in a lighthearted way, thereby giving them less weight, and thus less important.
Respect for the dig though. I'm especially impressed with your brutal exploitation of the fact that no-one else knows you and that everyone will naturally take your side.
Ooh - let's play the "Poke holes in Mick's flimsy argument" game.
First, Mick says this:
"I don't have your constant and strange urge to prove my masculinity at every opportunity."
And then he says this:
"As for the drinking competition, I seem to recall you calling me a lightweight or something, so I felt the need to prove you wrong."
He felt the need, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, to prove her wrong.
Now Mr Cooney would have us believe that this is out of some objective, scientific and unselfish desire to set the record straight.
But I put it to you that this is plainly a crock of horse shit.
Let's look at the facts:
It was 2 am. He'd just been called a lightweight by a woman he fancied and was in (semi)active pursuit of, and we're supposed to believe the acute alcohol poisoning he subsequently gave himself wasn't some sort of (disastrously executed) silverback chest-beating behaviour?
I put it to you, ladies and gentlemen, that, like the Chewbacca defence, this simply makes no sense.
Face it, Mick - somewhere under that hard, logical, geeky exterior there lurks a knuckle-dragging, red-blooded male.
The prosecution rests, m'lud.
Chameleon, SC
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, M'lud.
The Prosecution would have you believe that my alcohol consumption was some neolithic, neanderthal attempt at impressing a member of the Gentle Sex.
I will concede, I felt the need to prove the Flaming Redhead wrong, for I was being mocked erroneously, accused of being a wuss, and many other such derogatory names.
I was not alone in the pursuit of the fair maiden. I was receiving ample assistance from the Prosecution to that end. In fact, m'lud, the Prosecution cannot deny the inordinate amount of provocative and aggressive gesturing undertook by the Prosecution at every instance of the Flaming Redhead leaving our presence, however temporary.
Furthermore, let us go against the evidence before the Court and concede this point to the Prosecution. Are we to believe that a SINGLE instance of behaviour constitutes "every opportunity"?
I will leave that question hanging for the Prosecution, since it is long established that nothing else does.
"Are we to believe that a SINGLE instance of behaviour constitutes "every opportunity"?"
Given your undeniable genius at kicking the few opportunites that do come your way into the stands - yes.
You're not Perry Mason so much as Emile Heskey.
Ah yes, the kharmic backlash.
Well, keep it coming lads, the Flaming Redhead is loving it. She's especially tickled by the fact that a fifteen-year old has enthusiastically signed up to the pile-on (your card is so marked you little bollox - I know where you live).
It'll amuse all y'all all the more to learn that I managed to further embarass myself by somewhat-less-than-expertly displaying that my tongue was in my cheek when I started calling all y'all every derogatory term I could think of.
Don't care, my male ignorance genes have kicked in and I still refuse to use emoticons, cos they are for girls.
Note that I didn't finish with the quasi-sentence "And Paul" there, cos even the girls count him as one of their own these days. Us man-types have known it for years.
And as for you McGrath...
You are in so much trouble once I think of something.
Oh that the best you can do?
Mick: "Damn, being spanked by Paul on my own blog. Quick, brain - we need a cutting remark."
Mick's Brain: "I know - call him a girl. That'll show him AND incontrovertably prove the superiority of your wit."
Mick: "Genius!"
Oh, how the mighty are fallen...
"Note that I didn't finish with the quasi-sentence "And Paul" there.."
You're handing in a PhD thesis in two weeks and you're calling a phrase a "quasi-sentence" (whatever that is)?
No more vodka for Mick.
Here - look it up on Wikipedia:
It'll do you a sight more good than reading about Kerry Katona.
From Wikipedia:
A phrase is a group of words that functions as a single unit in the syntax of a sentence.
In linguistics, a sentence is a unit of language, characterised in most languages by the presence of a finite verb.
Since there ain't no finite verb, in "And Paul", we can't really call it a sentence.
It isn't really a functional unit of words either, so I don't think we can call it a phrase.
So, it is sort of a sentence, but it isn't really. Thus, we should call it a prefix-sentence. But which prefix to use?
Well, the candidates that sprang to mind were "pseudo-" and "quasi-".
So, let's take a look at what pseudo means as a prefix.
Again, using Wikipedia
Pseudo is a prefix of Greek origin. It means "false".
It identifies something as superficially resembling the original subject; a pseudopod resembles a foot, and pseudorandom numbers simulate numbers generated by truly random events, but are in fact produced by an algorithm.
It is also used to mark something as false, fraudulent, or pretending to be something it is not in fact, as in pseudoscience or pseudophilosophy.
This is possible, but doesn't quite fit. "And Paul" isn't really pretending to be a sentence. I wasn't really happy with that.
How about quasi?
Well, unfortunately, Wikipedia informs us that Quasi is an indie rock band from Portland, Oregon, so that ain't much use.
It is readily apparent that teenage boys use Wikipedia much more frequently than people with English degrees do (for further evidence, check out how many pornstars have entries in Wikipedia).
I haven't given up on the Internet yet though. How about
quasi- To some degree; in some manner: example: quasi-stellar object.
Aha! Put colloquially, quasi means "sort of", or "kinda".
Thus, "And Paul" is a quasi-sentence.
I'd ask Ciaran, but he probably wouldn't know, make something up, and then use his "I've got an English degree" to bludgeon his opinion up to authoritative status.
In case you were wondering, I did all of the above before using the phrase "quasi-sentence".
Okay, I didn't use the internet the first time around. I was relatively confident in what the prefixes meant the first time.
"In case you were wondering, I did all of the above before using the phrase "quasi-sentence"."
Man, you can help just stepping on mines this week, Mick, can you?
"Quasi-sentence" is a compound word, not a phrase. If, by your own (incorrect) reasoning, "and Paul" isn't a phrase, then a single compound word certainly isn't one either.
In fact, "and Paul" is a subject phrase.
And yes, I am a pedant. It's what I get paid to be now.
Yep, I meant word "quasi-sentence", mistake.
How is "And Paul" a subject phrase in this context? In a syntactical sense, it isn't a unit of words.
It is just a conjuction followed by a noun.
Sorry lads, gonna have to cut you off there.
Apparently, this discussion of grammar is "lame" according to certain members of the Flaming Redhead community who wish to remain anonymous.
She's like a Roman Noblewoman around the time of the Fall, isn't she? So jaded, only bloodsports can amuse or distract her.
"So jaded, only bloodsports can amuse or distract her."
And as I've mentioned before the "lady" requires constant entertainment
Wow! What a girly man!
His Mistress' Voice says "Jump!" and Mick says "How high?"
You used to be cool, man.
Let the games begin...
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