Hints for Being a Lecturer
I happen to have some experience in this field, so here is the wisdom I have gleaned over the few years I have danced the education waltz:
1- Inform them Immediately of your Geek-status
They are going to find it out anyway. This way you get to use it to your advantage and they cannot hit you with it later.
2- Use the Names They Hate, Deliberately
This one is a corker.
It winds them up no end, especially if you first pretend you have done it by accident. The rest of the class will laugh and the whole class relaxes. Apart from the poor unfortunate who keeps hearing a name he or she hates, but all good things require sacrifice, right?
3- Talk About TV Shows and Film
A knowledge of pop culture tends to give you the "coolness" factor. Besides talking about stuff on television and film tends to be SO much more interesting than whatever drivel tends to be on Syllabi anyway.
Of course, when I say television, I DO NOT MEAN SOAPS, for they are the work of Satan.
Talk about dodgy shows with amazing looking women (here in Ireland, I am thinking stuff like the OC and Mile High).
4- Say Controversial Things
I tend to repeat controversial topics in class, as long as they are not offensive. This provokes discussion on all sides, puts the class in a good mood (because they tend to laugh at whatever you have said), and generally cuts through the ennui that can set in.
5- Identify the Class Archetypes and Use Them
Every class has them. There is the Mad One, the Class Stud, the Class Slut (despite all our enlightenment there is still lots of room for sexual hypocrisy), the Quiet One, the Clever One, the Funny One, the Victim. You get the idea. I tend to stick up for the Victim - despite the fact that he or she normally puts in for the grief.
6- Mention Extra-curricular Activities
Last Christmas, I happened to see a group of First Years walking down the street push a shopping trolley at 0300 in the morning. Naturally, I brought this up once classes started in January, and managed to get a surprising amount of mileage from it.
7- Be Approachable
There have been times when I have not been as approachable as I should have. I have always regretted it and try to do better. Students appreciate it when they feel comfortable enough to talk to you about whatever it is about your course they are struggling with, and it also leads to a better relationship.
I'm sure I have more but right now I am starting to feel all self-conscious so I am going to stop their on the mystical number seven.