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The Laboratory of the Mind

An experiment in embracing the blogosphere.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Nicknames were very common when I was in Primary School. It is the rare person who calls me Michael. Most people call me Mick, and Micko by my family.

A number of blogs have articles entitled "Things I've Done You Probably Haven't."

Being the unspontaneous geek-type, my list would not be interesting. However, I find such a concept interesting.

Though now is not the time, I do have stories that are probably unique. I tend to get sucked into escapades with friends as they chase women. Some are quite entertaining.

Though not necessarily flattering, I have been called names that prove interesting in hindsight. Some are quite recent. Some are very old. These include:

  1. BBC (Brain Box Cooney)

  2. Mickey Mouse

  3. Flossy

  4. Granny's Blue Eyed Boy

  5. Slimer

  6. The Prince of Darkness

  7. The Legend

  8. The Boyfriend I Compare All Others Against

  9. A Worshipper at the Shrine of Avarice

  10. The Gay One in the Band

  11. Richard Michael Gymnastics

  12. The Son-in-Law I Always Wanted

  13. The Cool Lecturer

  14. The Ignorant Lecturer

  15. Baggio

  16. The Only Leader Singer in a Band to Never Pull

I am quite sure I have forgotten a few.


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